Features Multi-currency


Do business in foreign currencies with multi-currency accounting

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Grow your business with multi-currency accounting

Multi-currency accounting let's you do business with anyone, from anywhere.

Send invoices and make purchases in different currencies
Record payments in foreign currencies
Get the latest exchange rates automatically
Automatic calculation unrealised and realised foreign exchange gains or losses
title Grow your business with multi-currency accounting

Set your business up for multi-currency accounting

Dealing with foreign currencies makes your accounting a more complicated; Kamili makes it easier. Let's get your started.

Choose your business' base currency; it's usually based on where your business operates
Pick up to five foreign currencies that your business operates with
Set up bank accounts in other currencies
title Set your business up for multi-currency accounting

Live exchange rates

Kamili automatically updates helpful exchange rates every hour, so you can be sure you are always keeping up with the most up to date rates.

Rates are updated hourly and balances revalued
Use exchange rates provided when creating transactions. Or you set your own manually.
title Live exchange rates

Forex gains or losses

Find out exactly how much your business is making in foreign currencies transactions with changes in exchange rates.

Automated journal entries for gains and losses in change in exchange rates
View gains and losses in reports and transactions
title Forex gains or losses